Reapplying For Your Driving Licence Following A Medical Condition

by admindvla 0

DoctorIf you have recently recovered from a medical condition that had resulted in your driving licence being revoked, don’t panic; you can reapply to get your licence again in a few easy steps.

How Do I Reapply For My Driving Licence?

You will be sent a letter from the DVLA when you surrender your licence, have it taken away or have your application refused. This letter will inform you if you need to wait a set period of time before getting a new licence and you are free to reapply 8 weeks before the end of this.

It is worth double checking with your doctor that you are able to meet the medical standards required for driving before you try to reapply for your licence.

How Do I Reapply for A Car Or Motorcycle Licence?

If you need to reapply for a car or motorcycle licence you will need to fill in and complete a D1 application form as well as the required form for your medical condition. When these are finished, you will need to send them to the DVLA.

You will need to use the DVLA’s online service to find the correct form and order a D1 pack. This contains everything in it that you will need to make an application.

There is also a chance you may need to send evidence of how fit you are to drive. The letter you receive from the DVLA will tell you this, if you need to do so.

If you would prefer to, you can collect a D1 form pack from your nearest Post Office branch. Please note that you may not be able to get them from your local branch, it is worth contacting them before you go to get one to make sure they have them.

Lorry 4How Do I Reapply For A Bus, Coach Or Lorry Licence?

To reapply for a bus, coach or lorry licence, you will need to complete a D2 form and the appropriate form for your medical condition. Both of these will then need sending to the DVLA.

To order a D2 pack and the suitable medical form for your health condition, you will need to sue the DVLA’s online service.

If you are aged between 45 and 65, and haven’t sent a D4 form to the DVLA in the last 5 years, you will also need to do this. You should send it with your D2 form.

If you need to send evidence of your fitness to drive, the letter you receive from the DVLA will tell you this.

Once you reach the age of 65, you will have to renew your licence each year and you will need to ensure your application is accompanied by a fully completed D4 medical report form.

Where Do I Need to Send My Application To?

You will need to send your completed application to the Driver Medical Group. You can do this either by fax or post.

To fax it, you should send it it: 0845 850 0095.

To post it, you should send it to:

Drivers Medical Group
SA99 1TU

Stethoscope On ClipboardWhen Am I Able to Start Driving Again?

This will depend on if you volunteered to surrender your driving licence or if you had it revoked or refused on medical grounds.

If Your Driving Licence Was Refused Or Revoked Due To A Medical Condition(s)

If you had your licence refused or revoked on medical grounds, you have to wait for the DVLA to tell you that you can start driving again.

If You Volunteered To Surrender Your Driving Licence

You are able to drive without your licence (while it is being renewed) as long as you meet all of these conditions:

  • Your doctor supports your decision to keep driving
  • You had a valid licence
  • You only continue to drive under the conditions of the previous licence you held
  • Your application is no older than a year
  • The last licence you held wasn’t revoked or refused on medical grounds
  • You are not currently disqualified from driving
  • You were not disqualified as a high risk offender on or after Saturday 1st June 2013